Similarly following command: net user * will erase current Windows password for selected user.

For example in case of changing Windows password following command can be used net user (selected user can be later added as new Windows administrator by typing: net localgroup administrators /add). Fully working console can be used for a variety of purposes. For example after successful Windows boot with Kon-Boot user can tap SHIFT key 5 times and Kon-Boot will open a Windows console window running with local system privileges.

It is also the first reported tool capable of bypassing Windows 10 online (live) passwords and supporting both Windows and macOS systems.It is also a widely used tool in computer security, especially in penetration testing. Since version 3.5 Kon-Boot is also able to bypass SecureBoot feature. Kon-Boot (aka konboot, kon boot) is a software utility that allows users to bypass Microsoft Windows passwords and Apple macOS passwords (Linux support has been deprecated) without lasting or persistent changes to system on which it is executed.